HCJ CPAs & Advisors | audit * tax * consulting

Throughout your life, there will be certain significant occasions that will impact not only your day-to-day living but also your taxes. Here are a few of those events: Getting Married – If you just got married or are considering getting married, you need to be aware...

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A frequent question that arises when borrowing money is whether or not the interest will be tax deductible. That can be a complicated question, and unfortunately, not all interest an individual pays is deductible. The rules for deducting interest vary, depending on whether the loan...

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Your charitable contributions include a wide variety of tax-saving opportunities, some you may not be aware of, and some that are frequently overlooked. And there are some contributions that you may believe are deductible that really are not. Being knowledgeable of what is and is...

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Arkansas state capital building

INCOME TAX REDUCTIONS APPROVED The 93rd Arkansas General Assembly convened Tuesday in its Third Extraordinary Session to consider accelerating income tax reductions adopted last fall and to provide $50 million for school safety grants. Identical bills were introduced, HB 1002 by Rep. Joe Jett, R-Success, chairman of the House Revenue...

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That is an important question because the actual money you have to spend when you retire depends upon the after-tax sources of your retirement income. Thus it is important to understand how the various retirement vehicles are taxed. There is significant diversity in taxation since...

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This article explains the precautions to take when getting a divorce, and several tax concerns that need to be addressed to ensure that taxes are kept to a minimum and important tax-related decisions are properly made. Five issues to consider in the process of divorce...

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Get to know manager Krystal Moore. Krystal shares her favorite book, her first job, her favorite food, and more fun facts! Who is your favorite author?  What is the best book you’ve read? Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austin What is your favorite movie and/or TV show? Favorite...

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This article explains that the current state of the economy and the Covid-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way consumers behave. It’s extremely important for small businesses to capitalize on digital transformations. A Bill.com survey showed that “75% of SMBs took actions ranging from price...

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