HCJ CPAs & Advisors | audit * tax * consulting

creating a more effective sales call

Future employees might not need office space and scheduled hours, but instead work from home on their own time. This article explains why a third of the workforce will be working from home in the future, and the importance of putting a policy together for these...

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five big business trends to watch in 2018

As 2018 begins, business owners are paying close attention to the trends that will impact their businesses. In an article from Fortune, author Alan Murray discusses five trends that he will be watching: Recession watch AI Advances The tech backlash The CEO Statesman A changing workplace for women How will these...

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adaptability the most valued leadership skill

Directing changes can be a difficult task for any business leader. As the business world evolves, what are some ways that companies are keeping up with the changes of consumers? In an article from Disruption Hub, author Sally Henderson writes, “We are living in a world...

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Inspiring the disruptors of tomorrow

With the widening talent gap in technology, it will be increasingly difficult for businesses to find an employment standard. In an article from Disruption Hub, author Laura Cox writes, “As enterprises inevitably enter the digital age, employment requirements are changing. Unfortunately, the workforce often seems to...

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